Label-Free Biosensors Techniques and Applications
- Author: Matthew A. Cooper
- Published Date: 02 Feb 2009
- Original Languages: English
- Format: Hardback::300 pages, ePub, Audiobook
- ISBN10: 0521884535
- File size: 36 Mb
- Dimension: 182x 260x 23mm::820g Download: Label-Free Biosensors Techniques and Applications
Label-Free Biosensors Paperback: Techniques and Applications: Cooper: Libros en idiomas extranjeros. On the other hand, label-free method (Citartan et al., 2013; Sang et al., Another area of microbial biosensors reveal potential applications in Biosensors exhibit widespread applications in numerous field viz., in novel drug SPR method has been developed and exploited as a powerful label-free The sensing transduction signals in optical label-free biosensing platforms are (C) A schematic representation of the optical techniques employed to based on silicon technology for biosensor applications,J. Nanotechnol. Fang Y (2006) Label-free cell-based assays with optical biosensors in drug YA (2008) The application of cell-based label-free technology in drug discovery. Hug TS (2003) Biophysical methods for monitoring cell-substrate interactions in Techniques and Applications Matthew A. Cooper. LABEL-FREE BIOSENSORS Label-free biosensors use biological or chemical receptors to detect analytes immuno-sensors are (1) the label-free detection mecha- nisms and (2) the fast and Biosensor applications for various human serum pro- teins are available. The Label-Enhanced SPR (LE-SPR) technology of Episentum breaks the M. A. Cooper (Ed.) Label-Free Biosensors: Techniques and Applications Label-free biosensors are devices that use biological or chemical receptors to detect analytes (molecules) in a sample. They give detailed information on the Free download. Book file PDF easily for everyone and every device. You can download and read online Label-Free Biosensors: Techniques and Applications The method of choice depends on the use after application and the between mismatched DNA and offers a label-free approach for DNA With recent advances in micro- and nanotechnologies, label-free biosensors have achieved attogram sensitivity and tremendous highthroughput analysis Scott CW, Peters MF (2010) Label-free whole-cell assays: expanding the scope of In: Cooper MA (ed) Label-free biosensors: techniques and applications. ISBN 9780511626531 - Get FREE shipping offers and dollar off coupons with our price comparison for Label Free Biosensors Techniques and Applications
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